Michael Thomas of Permanent Culture Now begins the Radical History Day at the 2012 Sunrise Off grid Festival with a talk on Why Radical History is important. Watch this talk to find out why you should know about your history and the history of protest and dissent as it can help you shape the future by learning from the past. Also find out how history is shaped by those in power to suit their agendas and why you should always cast a critical eye over what historians say, as what they say is never objective.

“We study the past to understand the present; we understand the present to guide the future.” — William Lund

If you like this talk or any of the talks that are from off grid then please donate a small amount to the festival as it fell short of its budget by £3,500 and it would be such a shame for it not to continue, alternatively buy a ticket for next year’s festival, you can make donations and buy tickets here: http://sunrise-offgrid.co.uk/index-2011.php#tickets.php

More Info:

An introduction to radical history
More great films and talks here:
Bristol Radical History Group